Some awesome javascript libraries for viewing pdfs in the browser

Some awesome javascript libraries for viewing pdfs in the browser


Today, I found some awesome javascript libraries for viewing pdfs, which you can use with pure javascript (no framework)!

1. Mozilla PDF.js

So, Mozilla's PDF.js is an open source library and it renders pdfs pretty nicely! You can see an online demo from this link:

You can also check out the repo from

2. pdf-lib

It is also a pretty good library where you can create and edit pdfs in the client side using nothing but javascript!

See an online demo and documentation from this link:

3. webix html5 pdf viewer pro

This is a paid library for viewing pdfs and you can use it with jquery!

Here is the page of the website :

4. accusoft pdf viewer

This is a very beautiful library which you can use for viewing pdfs. It comes with a standard (free plan) and a paid plan.

You can see a demo of the library at

To download the library, you need to go to

So, that's it guys! Please write a comment about which library you like the most and tell me if I missed any js library (no framework) for viewing pdfs!

Also, check out my apps from play store if you like the post!